ADAM LAMBERT On Rumored New QUEEN Album: 'I Know Nothing About It'

September 7, 2019

Adam Lambert says that he knows nothing about a rumored new QUEEN album featuring him on vocals.

A few days ago, QUEEN fans were caught by surprise when guitarist Brian May revealed on Instagram that he recently recorded a video message "for an ad for an album, to be announced later." This led to speculation that QUEEN would finally make some new music with the "American Idol" finalist, who has been singing for QUEEN on their tours for most of the past decade, filling in for his idol Freddie Mercury.

During a brand new interview with SiriusXM Volume's "Debatable", Lambert was asked by host Alan Light if he could shed some light on May's "new album" comment. Adam responded (hear audio below): "I saw a news story about that. I know nothing about it. And also the word 'album' could mean a photo album, 'cause he has lots of little projects he's working on… I don't know what it means, actually. I haven't asked him."

Clarifying that he only "saw the headline" about May's Instagram post, Lambert continued: "[It's] news to me. I haven't talked to him about it yet. I have to ask, actually. I should text him: 'What album?'"

Lambert, May and drummer Roger Taylor first shared the stage during "American Idol" in May 2009 for a performance of "We Are The Champions". They teamed up again in 2011 at the MTV European Music Awards in Belfast, Ireland for an electrifying eight-minute finale of "The Show Must Go On", "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" and in the summer of 2012, Lambert performed a series of shows with QUEEN across Europe as well as dates in Russia, Ukraine and Poland. They have since completed a number of tours and performed at some of the biggest festivals in the world.

This past spring, Lambert said that he wasn't convinced it was the right move for him to record new music with QUEEN. Speaking to Hunger, he said: "People always ask if we want to record together, and I'm not sure it makes total sense, because it wouldn't really be QUEEN, because, to me, QUEEN is Freddie. My favorite thing is collaborating and putting these concerts together and creating on stage — it's super fulfilling and exciting. To present these ideas to these two gentlemen — especially when they like the idea."

May previously described Lambert as the only singer the band had found capable of filling the shoes of iconic frontman Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991 of complications from to AIDS. "Adam is the first person we've encountered who can do all the QUEEN catalogue without blinking," said May. "He is a gift from God." Taylor echoed the guitarist's sentiments, adding: "[Adam's] incredibly musical, and we certainly take anything he says quite seriously."

Lambert, for his part, downplayed the Mercury comparisons, saying: "There's never going to be another, and I'm not replacing him. That's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to keep the memory alive, and remind people how amazing he was, without imitating him. I'm trying to share with the audience how much he inspired me."

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Hi folks. Thanks for the messages. Apologies for my quietness. The return to ‘normal’ life plus East-bound jet lag always wipes me out. It’s such a massive adjustment - it’s like my body and soul go into a kind of leaden disbelief. So I kinda shut down - and I just don’t feel capable of putting out stuff to the world. I’m not over it yet, but I didn’t want you to think that suddenly I don’t care. I just don’t have it in me right now. So I thought I’d post this unrealised (I think) stereo from somewhere back out there on tour - as a token ‘do-it-yourself offer, if anybody’s interested ! Thanks for all the appreciation and understanding you gave us - and me - during that long tour of the USA. It means a lot. In the quietness of life back home it feels like it was all a dream - but a dream with some very wonderful moments. For me, I need a few more days of detox from iPhone and social media. But I will be back, IIS. Take care out there. ???? These images are a little soft - it’s because I took them from a video message I made for an ad - which you might see later - for an album - to be announced later !! With love - Bri

A post shared by Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) on

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