AEROSMITH To Celebrate 50th Anniversary With Las Vegas Residency In 2019

August 9, 2018

According to Best Classic Bands, AEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry has revealed that the band will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year with a Las Vegas residency.

Perry broke the news of AEROSMITH's residency last night (August 8) during a live interview on the weekly "Fab Fourum" program on SiriusXM's Beatles Channel.

Asked if he could offer a hint of the announcement that AEROSMITH will make during its upcoming appearance on NBC's "Today" show, Perry said: "We're going to be doing a residency in Vegas starting next spring. What we want to do is something that I haven't seen before… just downsizing our live show, just playing in a smaller place. We want to do something different. We're in the middle of the production now. What we're talking about is having an experience that you wouldn't be able to see on a regular AEROSMITH tour."

He continued: "I feel like we've been out of the wind for a while and it seems like it would be a really cool thing to bring some of the history back, so the production is gonna look like that. But without losing what we are: a hardcore rock and roll band.

"We're having almost weekly conversations about the production and how we're gonna keep it true and honest to the heartbeat of the rock and roll that we play but still add an element that people will want to see. I haven't been this excited about a project with AEROSMITH in quite a while."

The full details of AEROSMITH's Las Vegas residency are expected to be revealed next Wednesday, August 15 when the classic rock legends perform on the "Today" show.

AEROSMITH officially formed in Boston in 1970 and last performed on May 5 at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.

In 2017, AEROSMITH announced a run of dates called "Aero-Vederci Baby!", but stopped short of calling it a final tour.

AEROSMITH hasn't released a new studio album since 2012's "Music From Another Dimension!"

Perry issued a solo disc, titled "Sweetzerland Manifesto", on January 19.

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