ALICE COOPER Psyched About Charity Show Lineup

December 14, 2006

Launch Radio Networks reports: Alice Cooper's sixth annual charity concert takes place this Saturday (December 16) in Phoenix, to benefit Cooper's Solid Rock Foundation, which helps young people deal with situations including gangs, drugs, and guns. The show, called the Christmas Pudding concert, will feature Cooper performing with members of the original ALICE COOPER band, Stephen Stills, former EAGLES guitarist Don Felder, and STYX singer-guitarist Tommy Shaw and NIGHT RANGER singer-bassist Jack Blades with their SHAW BLADES project. Also appearing will be "American Idol" contestant Ace Young with his band.

As far as the eclectic mix of performers, Cooper says it's deliberate: "Every year I try to get different people," he said. "This year, (it's) Stephen Stills, who's never been there before. I've got the original band, ALICE COOPER original band — minus (guitarist) Glen (Buxton),of course, even though he'll probably be there; Jack Blades and Tommy Shaw; guys from TESLA; Jonathan Cain from JOURNEY; Roger Clyne & the PEACEMAKERS, great band; and F5, which is a little piece of MEGADETH's band. It'll be a five-hour show, at least. We always want it to be three-and-a-half, it always ends up being five."

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