ALICE COOPER To Voice 'Hungry Hamsters' Character

September 21, 2006

Rock legend and cartoon fan Alice Cooper will provide his voice talent in the new HD CGI sitcom animation "Hungry Hamsters". Cooper joins a stellar principal cast from the U.K., which includes Brian Blessed, Jack Davenport and Harry Hill. "Hungry Hamsters" is a new comedy animation series of 26 half-hour programs for television and multimedia distribution, which has been created by comedy producer Nick Sercombe.

Cooper will be voicing Psalmanazar, the bête-noir character who opposes the Hamsters during their adventures. Chosen specifically for his highly individual personality, Cooper is deemed to make the perfect villain in the programmes and he loves the role, his first he has undertaken in an animation series for television.

Sercombe commented that Cooper was selected for his dry wit as well as his performing talent. "Alice has already made some amusing suggestions as to the visual design of his character, Psalmanazar, and he is really looking forward to getting into the studio next year to record his voice," he said. "All the 'Hungry Hamsters' voices have been chosen carefully for their colourful characters and now we have added the enormous theatrical talent of Alice Cooper, which is a real bonus."

"Hungry Hamsters" is currently in advanced development at leading Danish studio, Krogh Mortensen Animation. The series is being produced using the most advanced CGI ever used in an animated television series.

Alice Cooper has been one of the world's most notorious rock artists for over 30 years. With hits such as "School's Out", "Billion Dollar Babies" and "No More Mr Nice Guy", and an infamous stage show of gothic horror to match, he is an entertainer of unique depth and quality.

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