ANTHRAX: New Video Interview With FRANK BELLO Available

April 8, 2008

Possum of Altitude TV conducted an interview with bassist Frank Bello of ANTHRAX for the "Metalogy" show. Frank talks about the band's "brutal"-sounding new album, the group's new singer Dan Nelson, and why it just didn't work out with former frontman Joey Belladonna.

Watch the three-minute interview below.

As previously reported, all five members of ANTHRAXScott Ian, Charlie Benante, Frank Bello, Rob Caggiano and Dan Nelson will take part in a meet-and-greet at the grand reopening of Sam Ash in Huntington, New York on Thursday, April 24 at 7 p.m.

Check out a poster for the ANTHRAX meet-and-greet at this location.

In a December 2007 online chat, Benante stated about the group's new material, "It's hard nowadays to try and relive 1986. We were different in 1986. We can reach inside and pull out some of the old school and make ourselves make that music, but we don't. The song 'Fight 'Em 'Till You Can't' is as organic as it gets; it's not forced and it is like an old-school thrash song."

In a recent interview with Banned Promotions, new ANTHRAX singer Dan Nelson whose voice was previously described by Scott Ian as "like [previous ANTHRAX frontman] John Bush on steroids" stated about how he landed the gig, "I contacted Rob Caggiano [ANTHRAX guitarist] about jamming through MySpace. I originally laid down tracks for a side project Rob is doing. He told me after I was done recording he thought I would be a good fit for ANTHRAX. I was contacted by Charlie [Benante, drums] shortly after and auditioned. The rest, as they say, is history!"

Regarding the direction of the band's upcoming CD, Nelson said, "Things are going great. Fans are going to be real pleased with the new album. It's heavy as hell, and definitely has those thrash elements that ANTHRAX is best known for!"

A song from Nelson's previous band DEVILSIZE, titled "Taken", can be heard at this location.

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