AS I LAY DYING Releases 'Destruction Or Strength' Song To Benefit Crew Members And Local Charity

March 27, 2020

Californian metallers AS I LAY DYING have issued a previously unreleased song called "Destruction Or Strength". The track, which was recorded during the sessions for 2019's "Shaped By Fire" album, is available on all streaming platforms and digital retailers, including Bandcamp as a "pay-what-you-want" download. AS I LAY DYING will also be selling a t-shirt featuring the single artwork.

All proceeds from the single and the "Destruction Or Strength" cover artwork t-shirt will be aggregated and donated to the AS I LAY DYING road crew and Feeding San Diego.

AS I LAY DYING, whose April European tour was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic that is spreading across the globe, said: "We recognize this is an uneasy climate for everyone right now so there is no pressure to contribute. At the very least, we hope sharing unreleased music will have a positive impact for those of you excited to hear it.

"Please be safe and kind to one another. We will get through this together."

AS I LAY DYING guitarist Phil Sgrosso recently said that he now has " the most positive relationship" he has ever had with the band's singer Tim Lambesis, who was famously convicted in 2014 for his role in a murder-for-hire plot against his estranged wife.

In May 2014, Lambesis was sentenced to six years in jail after pleading guilty to paying a San Diego police officer posing as a hitman $1,000 to kill his wife. Approximately two and a half years later — on December 17, 2016 — he was discharged from a California detention facility and was transferred to the Division of Adult Parole Operations.

In June 2018, AS I LAY DYING played its first show with Lambesis in five years and released a new single. Lambesis also owned up to his crimes in a long apology on the band's Facebook page after his release.

"Shaped By Fire" was produced by AS I LAY DYING and was mixed by Joseph McQueen at Sparrow Sound in Los Angeles, California, while mastering was completed by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound in Nashville, Tennessee. The only exception was the track "My Own Grave", which was produced by AS I LAY DYING, co-produced by Drew Fulk and mixed by Adam "Nolly" Getgood.

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Posted by As I Lay Dying on Thursday, March 26, 2020

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