AUTUMN 1971 Featuring Former BLOOD OF CHRIST Members: First Demo Track Available

January 3, 2007

AUTUMN 1971, the London/Toronto, Ontario, Canada-based band featuring BLOOD OF CHRIST guitarist/founder Jeff Longo alongside original BLOOD OF CHRIST drummer Jason Longo and original vocalist Jason Deaville, has uploaded its first demo track, entitled "The Last Leaf", to its MySpace page. "This song was created over the past two years as a collaboration between Jason Deaville and Jeff Longo — which led to the inception of AUTUMN 1971 in the first place," the group writes in a statement. "The guitars and drum tracks were recorded by Dan Hulse at Obsidian Sound Studio in the autumn of 2004, while the vocals were added during autumn 2006 by Jason Deaville. Note — this is an edited down version; there is an entire epic clean section that will come later... the file size was just too large for MySpace — the actual song culminates at over the 11-minute mark."

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