BAD WOLVES Frontman Says His 'Black Lives Matter' Post Was 'Widely Misunderstood' As His Beliefs And Opinion

June 11, 2020

BAD WOLVES frontman Tommy Vext says that the diagram he shared on the current state of the "Black Lives Matter" movement has been widely misunderstood as his beliefs and opinion.

On Monday, Vextposted a six-plus-minute video on Instagram in which he suggested, without evidence, that "Black Lives Matter" was created by people like George Soros, the Holocaust survivor and billionaire who is the subject of many right-wing conspiracy theories, along with the Clinton Foundation. He also offered up the debunked theory that they invest in "Black Lives Matter" to profit from media coverage. Vext also asserted that racism in the United States is "manufactured." The singer said he made the video "after weeks of research & interviews with independent journalist(s),military personnel, entertainment industry professionals, a virologist & many ex Democrats."

On Thursday morning, Vext once again took to his Instagram to clarify his earlier post and to slam "certain media outlets" for allegedly "misquoting" and "misrepresenting" his "inquiries as opinion."

He wrote: "Conspiracy Theory by definition is 'an idea that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event'

"On Monday I shared a diagram of a theoretical scenario that was explained to me which has been widely misunderstood as my beliefs and opinion.
As per usual people failed to read the disclaimer that 'I am in no way a political scientist or sociologist and have no authority on the subject. And that I am not claiming anything I expressed as truth.'

"Predictably certain media outlets misquoted and misrepresented my inquiries as opinions and lambasted me to serve their own purposes making the video go viral.

"Much like Drew Breeze [sic] I never imagined offending anyone one as I stated the disclaimer 'I'm not a professional I just found this on the internet isn't it interesting'"

The singer, who previously floated another conspiracy theory, that official coronavirus death toll numbers are padded with people who would have died anyway from preexisting conditions, continued: "After several conversations with fellow artist/ thought leaders in the African American community I can see the insensitive timing of sharing such theories. And As I DID STATE in the video systemic racism IS indeed a very real pandemic that effects the judicial, economic, healthcare, housing & education systems in underserved black communities. However my personal experience of White Americans and 'white culture' over the past 20 years has not been one of hateful bigotry but unilateral acceptance. Maybe thats just 'Heavy Metal Privilege' as our music community has a long history of condemning racism & fascism.

"I know It has been very hard time for everyone in this country. I spent my own time with thousands of volunteers cleaning up after the riots. We all can see across the globe that things are wrong but we are all struggling to make sense of it. It's probably time to turn our attention to our families, our friends and communities so we can rebuild ourselves and get back on with our normal lives again.

"Love you all and can't wait to see you when concerts start up again and may God Bless you and keep you till then"

BAD WOLVES is currently sitting at No. 2 on the rock radio chart with "Sober", from the band's second album, "N.A.T.I.O.N.", which arrived last October.

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Conspiracy Theory by definition is “an idea that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event” on Monday I shared a diagram of a theoretical scenario that was explained to me which has been widely misunderstood as my beliefs and opinion. As per usual people failed to read the disclaimer that “I am in no way a political scientist or sociologist and have no authority on the subject. And that I am not claiming anything I expressed as truth.” Predictably certain media outlets misquoted and misrepresented my inquiries as opinions and lambasted me to serve their own purposes making the video go viral. Much like Drew Breeze I never imagined offending anyone one as I stated the disclaimer “I’m not a professional I just found this on the internet isn’t it interesting” After several conversations with fellow artist/ thought leaders in the African American community I can see the insensitive timing of sharing such theories. And As I DID STATE in the video systemic racism IS indeed a very real pandemic that effects the judicial, economic, healthcare, housing & education systems in underserved black communities. However my personal experience of White Americans and “white culture” over the past 20 years has not been one of hateful bigotry but unilateral acceptance. Maybe thats just “Heavy Metal Privilege” as our music community has a long history of condemning racism & fascism. I know It has been very hard time for everyone in this country. I spent my own time with thousands of volunteers cleaning up after the riots. We all can see across the globe that things are wrong but we are all struggling to make sense of it. It’s probably time to turn our attention to our families, our friends and communities so we can rebuild ourselves and get back on with our normal lives again. Love you all and can’t wait to see you when concerts start up again and may God Bless you and keep you till then ~ T ? @sarahorbanicphotos @deviantgentlemen

A post shared by Tommy VEXT (@tommyvext) on

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After weeks of research & interviews with independent journalist, military personnel, entertainment industry professionals, a virologist & many ex Democrats I think I have some understanding of what is going on here. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS HOW I HAVE PROCESSED ALL THE INFORMATION I HAVE FOUND/ BEEN GIVEN. I BEG EVERYONE WHO WATCHES THIS TO DO THERE OWN RESEARCH AND COME TO THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS ON THIS ISSUE. I COULD VERY WELL BE WRONG. REMEMBER I AM JUST A ROCKSTAR & NOT A POLITICIAN NOR DO I HAVE A DEGREE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE. IM SIMPLY JUST ANOTHER AFRICAN AMERICAN CITIZEN CALLING BULLSHIT ON VOLUNTARY SLAVERY. SO PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WITH DOCUMENTATION & DM ME @davidjharrisjr @ibnicolearbour @the_typical_liberal @deviantgentlemen @realcandaceowens @stevekuclo @dc_draino

A post shared by Tommy VEXT (@tommyvext) on

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