BLOODBOUND's New Album Lands On Swedish Chart

March 27, 2011

"Unholy Cross", the fourth album from Swedish melodic metallers BLOODBOUND, has entered the official chart in the band's home country at position No. 50. The CD was released on March 18 via Germany's AFM Records.

Commented the band: "'Unholy Cross' was a fun album to write and record and musically we wanted to go back and create the magic from the 'Nosferatu' album but with an updated 2011 production.

"The album cover made by Mark Wilkinson (IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST) is very symbolic for the band as it symbolizes the resurrection of BLOODBOUND. It shows our monster mascot, 'Nossen', rising from the dead. We as a band feel we're resurrected as well, as we now have a stable lineup and we all like working together as a band unit.

"Unholy Cross" track listing:

01. Moria
02. Drop The Bomb
03. The Ones We Left Behind
04. Reflections Of Evil
05. In For The Kill
06. Together We Fight
07. The Dark Side Of Life
08. Brothers Of War
09. Message From Hell
10. In The Dead Of Night
11. Unholy Cross

"Drop The Bomb" audio stream:

Bassist Johan Sohlberg recently left BLOODBOUND in order to "focus on his career and family" and was replaced by Anders Broman.

Commented the band: "We are sad to see Johan leave the band; he has been a great member of our family and a strong character always keeping the spirit high. We wish him the best of luck in the future with his career and family.

"We're very excited to have Anders in the band and we are looking forward to working with him. He is adding his own flavor to the band as well as being a very powerful player and live performer."

BLOODBOUND last year parted ways with lead vocalist Urban Breed due to "musical and personal differences" and replaced him with Patrik "Pata" Johansson (DAWN OF SILENCE) from Finspång, Sweden.

BLOODBOUND's third full-length album, "Tabula Rasa", was released in April 2009 via Blistering Records.

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