February 8, 2008

Swedish rockers BONAFIDE will join forces with DEEP PURPLE and EUROPE for two shows in Sweden in August:

Aug. 08 - Cloetta Center, Linköping
Aug. 09 - Öja slottsruin, Ystad

BONAFIDE will begin its spring club tour in Helsingborg on February 22, to be followed by a show at KB in Malmö the next day. The band is also confirmed for this year's edition of Sweden Rock Festival, set to take place June 4-7 in Sölvesborg.

BONAFIDE last fall released the video for the group's second single, "Loud Band", taken from the band's self-titled album, which available in Scandinavia through Sweden Rock Records. Watch the clip below.

According to a press release, BONAFIDE — which is made up of renowned musician extraordinaire Pontus Snibb, bass player Mikael Nilsson, guitarist Mikael Fässberg, and drummer Tomas Salonen — plays "like there's no tomorrow. With a tight, stripped down production BONAFIDE manages to capture the very essence of what rock should be all about: 'Fun, Fun, Fun.' . . . With great no-frills songs bound to make your head bang and your booty shake, BONAFIDE leaves you searching deep into your mid-Seventies AC/DC / FACES / HUMBLE PIE LP collection for a rock'n' roll fix as good as this!"

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