DEICIDE Cancels Canadian Tour

October 23, 2006

Floridian death metallers DEICIDE have been forced cancel their 2006 Canadian tour dates due to paperwork issues with the Canadian venues. DEICIDE is "disappointed that they will not be able to come though Canada due to circumstances that were out of their control, and will attempt to return to Canada on another leg of touring," reads an official press release.

DEICIDE's brand new brutal offering, "The Stench of Redemption", was released in August via Earache Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Scars of the Crucifix" was recorded at Morrisound in Tampa, Florida and marks the first recording with the new DEICIDE lineup following the departure of the Hoffman brothers. Joining frontman Glen Benton and drummer Steve Asheim in the new formation are guitarists Ralph Santolla (ex-DEATH, ICED EARTH) and Jack Owen (ex-CANNIBAL CORPSE).

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