DOKKEN, LYNCH MOB And LITA FORD To Team Up For 2020 U.S. Tour

December 17, 2019

DOKKEN, LITA FORD and LYNCH MOB will join forces for a U.S. tour in 2020. The trek will also include what is being billed as a "special encore performance" featuring Don Dokken and George Lynch.

An early admat for the tour was posted to DOKKEN's social media, along with the following message: "Coming in 2020! Dates TBA soon! #dokken#dondokken #georgelynch #lynchmob #litaford"

DOKKEN's classic lineup — Dokken, Lynch, bassist Jeff Pilson and drummer "Wild" Mick Brown — reunited for a short Japanese tour in the fall of 2016. The trek marked the first time in 21 years the four musicians had hit the road together.

Since completing the Japanese reunion dates, DOKKEN has continued to perform with the group's current lineup — including bassist Chris McCarvill and guitarist Jon Levin.

DOKKEN is currently working on material on a new studio album, tentatively due in 2020 via Silver Lining Music, the label owned by Thomas Jensen, one of the founders of Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. It will mark the group's first disc since 2012's "Broken Bones".

Over the past two years, Lynch — one-fourth of the classic DOKKEN lineup — has appeared on recordings by THE END MACHINE, KXM, ULTRAPHONIX and SWEET & LYNCH.

LYNCH MOB is currently working on material for a new album, to be released in 2020. The effort will serve as the follow-up to 2017's "The Brotherhood".

Ford is scheduled to support Alice Cooper on 15 North American shows between April 1 and April 22, 2020.

Coming in 2020! ? Dates TBA soon! #dokken #dondokken #georgelynch #lynchmob #litaford

Posted by Dokken on Tuesday, December 17, 2019

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