DOKKEN's JON LEVIN Is Offering Online Guitar Lessons

April 5, 2020

DOKKEN guitarist Jon Levin has launched his new web site where he will show you how to play guitar like a pro. Go to for more information.

Levin was a member of WARLOCK before he joined DOKKEN in 2003.

For most of the last couple of decades, Levin has been DOKKEN's attorney, helping them in record label negotiations and court matters.

"DOKKEN was his favorite band growing up," Don Dokken told the Las Vegas Sun about Jon in a 2004 interview. "He was in a band called WARLOCK for a while, and then he went back to law school and cut his hair off and became an attorney. Then after 10 years he decided he wanted to play guitar again, to 'follow his bliss," as he calls it."

DOKKEN is currently working on material on a new studio album, tentatively due in late 2020 via Silver Lining Music, the label owned by Thomas Jensen, one of the founders of Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. It will mark the group's first disc since 2012's "Broken Bones".

DOKKEN's classic lineup — Don, guitarist George Lynch, basist Jeff Pilson and drummer "Wild" Mick Brown — reunited for a short Japanese tour in the fall of 2016. The trek marked the first time in 21 years the four musicians had hit the road together.

A DOKKEN concert DVD focusing on the band's reunion tour, "Return To The East Live (2016)", was made available in 2018.

Since completing the Japanese reunion dates, DOKKEN has continued to perform with the group's current lineup — including Levin, bassist Chris McCarvill and drummer BJ Zampa (HOUSE OF LORDS)


Check it out! ?

Dokken guitarist JON LEVIN has launched his new website and wants to show you how to play guitar like a pro!

Go to ?? for more information! Subscribe now and learn directly from Jon!

#dokken #jonlevin #guitarist #guitarplayer

Posted by Dokken on Sunday, April 5, 2020

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