EPICA: 'The Divine Conspiracy' Enters French Chart At No. 36

September 19, 2007

EPICA's new album, "The Divine Conspiracy", has entered the French album chart at position No. 36. The CD's updated list of first-week chart positions is as follows:

Holland: #9
Switzerland: #29
France: #36
Germany: #41

Nuclear Blast Records released a limited deluxe CD edition in Europe of "The Divine Conspiracy", featuring the bonus tracks "Higher High" and "Replica" (FEAR FACTORY cover),video clips and a "making-of" enhanced section. A gatefold vinyl edition will also be issued containing the same two bonus tracks.

According to a posting on the band's web site, "The Divine Conspiracy" "will be EPICA's first full length concept album. This concept deals with the theory that, as a test, God created all kinds of different religions and released those upon humanity to see if they would be able to find the true nature of them, realizing that in all religions it is actually the same. But there's more to it; it also concludes the 'Embrace That Smothers' concept that could already be found on 'The Phantom Agony'."

"The Divine Conspiracy" was mixed by Sascha Paeth and features a session appearance by GOD DETHRONED drummer Ariën van Weesenbeek. EPICA has yet to name a full-time drummer following the departure of Jeroen Simons in 2006.

As previously reported, EPICA has been confirmed as the support act for SONATA ARCTICA on their upcoming European tour in November.

Watch the "making of" footage for EPICA's "Never Enough" video:

"Never Enough" video:

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