EXODUS Frontman's GENERATION KILL: New Demo Clip Posted Online

July 2, 2010

GENERATION KILL, the new crossover outfit featuring EXODUS frontman Rob Dukes, has uploaded new demo clip, entitled "Walking Dead", to the band's MySpace page.

The group, whose lineup also includes Rob Moschetti (ex-PRO-PAIN, M.O.D.) on bass and Sam Inzerra (MORTICIAN) on drums, is currently in the studio working on more new material.

Moschetti is scheduled to be interviewed on "The Metal Asylum" hosted by DJ Rob on Friday, July 2 at 6:30 p.m. PST.

A promotional video for the GENERATION KILL song "Hate" can be viewed below. The clip was shot on August 29, 2009 at Olive's in Nyack, New York and was directed and edited by Dukes and Craig Cefola, the director of the EXODUS documentary "Assorted Atrocities".

According to a press release, "The original concept of the band was to break away from the current formula by embracing their roots and incorporating them into the project.

"GENERATION KILL is a true crossover band. Each song has its own identity, and mood, which gives the band its original sound without abandoning their influences.

"By adding two lead guitarist/songwriters to the band, a whole new dimension has been introduced to GENERATION KILL.

"While Jason Trenczer adds technical guitar work, Lou Lehman adds catchy riffs and solos. The final ingredient to the band is veteran drummer Sam Inzerra. Sam has a death metal background which adds speed and power to the project.

"Each member of the band takes part in the writing process.

"While each member has established himself in legendary and underground bands, let it be known that this is no side project."


Rob Dukes - Vocals
Rob Moschetti - Bass/Backing Vocals
Lou Lehman - Lead Guitar
Jason Trenczer - Lead Guitar
Sam Inzerra - Drums

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