Former DISMEMBER Drummer FRED ESTBY's NECRONAUT: More Album Details Revealed

August 9, 2010

NECRONAUT, the solo project of former DISMEMBER/CARNAGE drummer Fred Estby, will release its self-titled album on October 18 release via Regain Records. The cover artwork for the CD (see below) was designed by Chat Zar, who was reponsible for creating the prosthetic effects for such movies as "The Ring", "Planet of the Apes" and "Darkman".

"Necronaut" track listing (including guest musicians for each track):

01. Crimson Fields

Chris Reifert (speech)

02. Twilight At The Trenches

* Andreas "Drette" Axelson (vocals)

03. In Dark Tribute

* Hellbutcher (vocals)
* Tyrant (lead guitar)

04. Soulside Serpents

* Janne "J.B." Christofferson (vocals)
* Robert "Strings" Dahlqvist (lead guitar)
* Robert Pehrsson (lead guitar)

05. Infecting Madness

* Chris Reifert (vocals)
* Ulf "Uffe" Cederlund (lead guitar)

06. After The Void

* Joakim Nilsson (vocals)
* David Blomqvist (lead guitar)

07. The Lie In Which The Truth Is Buried

* Fred Estby (vocals)
* Nicke Andersson (lead guitar)

08. Returning To Kill The Light

* Erik Danielsson (vocals)
* Janne "J.B." Christofferson (lead guitar)

09. Tower Of Death

* Nicke Andersson (vocals)

10. Rise Of The Sentinel

* Tomas Lindberg (vocals)
* David Blomqvist (lead guitar)

Complete list of guest musicians:

* Hellbutcher (NIFELHEIM)
* Andreas "Drette" Axelson (TORMENTED, ex-EDGE OF SANITY)
* Chris Reifert (AUTOPSY, ex-ABSCESS)
* Ulf "Uffe" Cederlund (DISFEAR, ex-ENTOMBED)
* Janne "J.B." Christofferson (GRAND MAGUS)
* Nicke Andersson (DEATH BREATH)
* Joakim Nilsson (GRAVEYARD)
* Erik Danielsson (WATAIN)
* Robert "Strings" Dahlqvist (DUNDERTÅGET)

After more than 20 years in the death metal scene, Estby wanted to express his passion for different kinds of extreme music he's bore since his youth. In 2008, Estby started to write and record material with the intention of having one unique vocalist for each song. Dubbed NECRONAUT, the project would become a reality one year later when Estby began contacting the many talented metal musicians he had in mind to complete the album of his diabolic dreams. In short, NECRONAUT is a raw slab of old-school metal and while the term "old-school" alone goes a long way in accurately describing the sound that one should expect from Estby and co, NECRONAUT is so much more. The band's approach is crude and dead simple, a la early BATHORY and VENOM mutated with BLACK SABBATH and IRON MAIDEN, but with an unorthodox bass-heavy production that allows the album to stand out amongst its peers. The goal was primitive brute force, but because of the manner in which Estby chose to achieve it, he also managed to create an aura of pure malevolence that, prior to this album's creation, was likely difficult to imagine.

For audio samples, visit the band's MySpace page.

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