Former LED ZEPPELIN Frontman Performs At LEAD BELLY Tribute Concert

November 9, 2004

John Soeder of the Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that former LED ZEPPELIN frontman Robert Plant performed Sunday night (Nov. 7) at Severance Hall in Cleveland, OH for a salute to the legendary bluesman LEAD BELLY.

Lead Belly (real name: Huddie Ledbetter) died in 1949. By his own estimate, the singer-guitarist had a repertoire of 500 songs encompassing a range of styles, from folk to children's music to blues.

"This is a great way of saying some kind of protracted thank you for all those great songs," Plant said.

The ex-LED ZEPPELIN frontman was at the center of some of the evening's greatest moments, including a mesmerizing rendition of "In the Pines", done as a duet with singer Alison Krauss.

Plant and Krauss teamed up with LOS LOBOS for "Pretty Little Girl With the Red Dress On", with Plant sideman Justin Adams coaxing exotic riffs from a tahardent, an African lute. The cross-cultural hootenanny had 2,000-plus concertgoers clapping along enthusiastically. Read more.

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