April 9, 2013

Melodic metallers ANGELS OF BABYLON have inked a deal with Scarlet Records for the release of their long-waited second album, "Thundergod".

Founded by former MANOWAR drummer Kenny "Rhino" Earl in 2008, ANGELS OF BABYLON released its debut album, "Kingdom Of Evil", in 2010. The CD featured another heavy metal legend, David Ellefson (of MEGADETH fame),on bass guitar.

"Thundergod" is as a collection of epic, melodic and heavy songs that will inspire and arouse the imagination, a timeless piece of work that any real heavy metal fan will treasure for many years to come.

Says Rhino: "This record is a real labor of love. It is epic and memorable.

"I don't like to write the standard macho metal songs.

"People may or may not be surprised that there are songs written from the heart.

"I never compromise my art.

"Also, there is no quantizing, no triggers; this album is 100% organic.

"Melody, emotion and energy... this is the focal point of all of our songs.

"I like my lyrics to be more about fantasy, real life experiences and historic events rather than going too dark and sinister. Although you might find a shadow here and there.

"The song 'Thunder God' is dedicated to my friend Scott Columbus. May you keep your hammer high!"


Diego Valdez - Vocals
Rhino - Drums
Ethan Brosh - Guitar

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