Former Texas Congressman BETO O'ROURKE Attends METALLICA Concert In El Paso

March 3, 2019

Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke attended METALLICA's concert Thursday night (February 28) at the Don Haskins Center in El Paso.

The 46-year-old father of three was spotted rocking out at the legendary heavy metal band's show, looking extremely out of place drowned in a sea of METALLICA T-shirts.

Journalist Ivan Pierre Aguirre, who was at the concert, tweeted a photo of O'Rourke in the crowd. He wrote in an accompanying caption: ".@BetoORourke is in attendance at the @Metallica concert at #UTEP tonight. Could he announce is Presidential bid here?? It is the last day of the month after-all. ??#beto2020 #2020elections #OnAssignment #elpaso #ept #beto"

O'Rourke recently confirmed that he has made a decision about a 2020 presidential run and said that he will announce his intentions soon.

The failed senatorial candidate invigorated Democrats in Texas and earned national media attention for a 2018 campaign that nearly ousted Sen. Ted Cruz, but fell short by about 3 percentage points.

As a high schooler in El Paso, O'Rourke was in a called band FOSS with Cedric Bixler-Zavala, who would go on to front THE MARS VOLTA and AT THE DRIVE-IN.

In a 2012 interview with Fusion Magazine, O'Rourke was asked what kind of music he liked. "I guess my heart is in the music I grew up with which is punk rock; the music and the bands that first got me excited about playing music and being involved in cultural life," he responded. "I also have a spot in my heart for old British invasion stuff, THE WHO, THE BEATLES, THE [ROLLING] STONES, THE KINKS. I love all those bands. As I get older, I keep thinking that I'm going to lose my taste for punk rock, the kind of aggressive music, idealistic music of my youth, but it's still my go-to music."

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