FOSCOR: New Album Details Revealed

February 20, 2009

FOSCOR, one of the very few black metal bands hailing from the Catalan region of Spain, has set "Groans To The Guilty" as the title of its third album, due this summer via Temple of Darkness Records. The CD will be made available in both a jewel case edition and a limited-edition digipack version that will include a bonus track.

"Groans To The Guilty" will be recorded between March 14 and April 4 at the Room Studios in Spain. Artwork for the album will be created by CC at Twilight13Media, and photography will be handled by Sathorys Elenorth of Silent Places.

"Groans To The Guilty" track listing:

01. Groans To The Guilty
02. In Case The Seasons Break
03. Melangia
04. Raids To Punishment
05. La Incertesa Del Plaer
06. L'hivern Per A Les Muses
07. Searching A Seal Of Pain (The Beauty)
08. La Vetlla
09. The Amber Nest
10. 'Till Water Mirrors Couldn't See

FOSCOR will play ten dates with fellow black metallers OTARGOS during February. Nine of the dates will be in OTARGOS' home country of France, whilst the tenth will take place in Irún in the Basque region of Spain.

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