GEORGE LYNCH: Lineup For Solo Tour Announced

June 13, 2005

Legendary guitarist George Lynch (DOKKEN, LYNCH MOB) has announced the lineup for his upcoming short summer tour, which is scheduled to begin Friday, June 17 in Lancaster, California. Lynch will be playing all the familiar hits from DOKKEN, LYNCH MOB, George's solo records "Sacred Groove" and "Furious George" plus songs from the "Stone House" sessions recorded with Matt Kramer (ex-SAIGON KICK). The group's lineup will be as follows:

George Lynch (DOKKEN, LYNCH MOB) - Guitars
Kelly Keeling (MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP) - Vocals
Mike Fro (LYNCH MOB) – Drums

A complete listing of currently confirmed tour dates can be found at this location.

George has been writing and recording at his studio in California along with longtime friend Mike Frowin and engineer Mike Tacci. A new all-original album should be ready by this summer.

(Thanks: TooBrutal4Radio)

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