HALESTORM In The Studio For Fourth Album: Video, Photos

September 19, 2017

HALESTORM has entered the Dark Horse Recording studios just outside Nashville to begin recording its fourth album for an early 2018 release. Helming the sessions is Nick Raskulinecz, an acclaimed producer who has previously worked with RUSH, KORN, ALICE IN CHAINS and DEFTONES, in addition to having produced HALESTORM's third covers EP, "ReAniMate 3.0: The CoVeRs eP", which came out in January.

A short video clip from the studio, as well as a few photos, can be seen below.

HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale recently told of the Razor 94.7 radio station about the progress of the songwriting and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2015's "Into The Wild Life" album: "We picked a producer before we had any songs written. And he basically said, 'Hey, I have this studio and I have this pre-pro budget situation and I wanna do the record with you guys, so let's start.' So we started literally from scratch — like [with] no real ideas — and ended up doing a bunch of instrumentals with him, and then I'd take it home and write over them. And, yeah, it's been a lot of fun."

Asked about the overall sound of the new HALESTORM material, Lzzy said: "It sounds like us [laughs] — really! It's interesting, 'cause Nick is such a rock producer, so going into this process, I wasn't worried about, 'Okay, is it gonna sound rock enough?' or whatever, 'cause we worked with a couple of producers in the past that are obsessed with, 'You have to cross over to Top 40,' or we're, like, their guinea pig, first time doing a rock band, so you have that stress in the back of your mind, like, 'No, we have to make sure this rocks.' And this time, we have no stress like that at all."

According to Lzzy, HALESTORM's upcoming album will showcase the tremendous playing ability of her chief bandmate, her kid brother Arejay Hale, who took over the drum kit their parents bought for Lzzy and is still playing behind her.

"I can't wait till you hear Arejay on this record; it's unlike anything that you've heard," Lzzy said. "I mean, we all know Arejay, and he's not here to defend himself, but he's nuts in the best way, and he's a modern-day Keith Moon when everyone sees him live, but no one's really ever been able to capture that yet, and I think we're doing that. We've been shocked, and I'm his big sister — it takes a lot to shock me with him. And we're, like, 'You got him to do that? That's crazy!'"

"ReAniMate 3.0: The CoVeRs eP" featured an eclectic mix of songs from artists like METALLICA, SOUNDGARDEN, JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS, SOPHIE B. HAWKINS, TWENTY ONE PILOTS and WHITESNAKE.

"Into The Wild Life" was criticized by some fans for veering too far into pop music territory.


A post shared by LZZY HALE (@officiallzzyhale) on

@jodowa slappin da bass #halestorm4

A post shared by LZZY HALE (@officiallzzyhale) on

The bearded one...shredding on guitar today! @thejoestorm #halestorm4

A post shared by LZZY HALE (@officiallzzyhale) on

#halestorm4 photo by @rob_fenn

A post shared by LZZY HALE (@officiallzzyhale) on

3 songs in the can so far!! Day 2

A post shared by Arejay Hale (@arejayhale) on

4 songs in the books as far as drums go #?

A post shared by Arejay Hale (@arejayhale) on

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