Here Is The First Taste Of SUNBOMB Featuring TRACII GUNS And MICHAEL SWEET

November 23, 2020

The first taste of the forthcoming debut album from SUNBOMB, the project featuring L.A. GUNS' Tracii Guns and STRYPER's Michael Sweet, is available below. The band recently recorded its debut album, to be released next year via Frontiers Music Srl.

This past May, Guns told SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk" about the musical direction of the SUNBOMB material: "The SUNBOMB record is really kind of like [L.A. GUNS' 2019 album] 'The Devil You Know' times three. It's more on the heavy side of 'The Devil You Know' album. And Michael Sweet, he's a really fantastic metal singer."

The guitarist went on to say that he and Michael are able to work together without butting heads about religion or politics. "You have the biggest non-believer and the biggest believer," he said. "But that's the kind of guys we are — I'm able to separate the beliefs from the music; they're not one and the same. And Michael and I have talked about it. I'm an open-minded person and I respect [other people's perspectives]."

When Tracii first broke the news of SUNBOMB's existence in a March 2019 tweet, he described the project's debut LP as "the metal record I would have made when I was 17 years old."

A short time later, Sweet responded to Tracii's tweet, writing: "I'm excited to be a part of it Tracii. Who would have thought when we were young that we'd be working together. Thank you for trusting me with the vocal duties SUNBOMB is gonna be Bomb."

A little taste of things to come - @sunbomb 2021?

Posted by Michael Sweet on Monday, November 23, 2020

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