IMMORTAL: New Audio Interview With DEMONAZ

March 19, 2010

Rock My Monkey recently conducted an interview with Demonaz, founding member and lyricist for the Norwegian black metal band IMMORTAL. Demonaz spoke about his lyrical inspiration for the songs on 2009's "All Shall Fall", the band's first new album in seven years. The chat is now available for streaming using the audio player below.

IMMORTAL recently "rejected" its nomination in the "Metal" category at this year's Spellemann awards.

The nominees for the largest and oldest Norwegian music awards show, which is often referred to as the country's equivalent to the American Grammy Awards, were announced on January 25 and included nods to IMMORTAL for the band's latest album, "All Shall Fall", as well as to the most recent releases from CODE, ÅRABROT and THE CUMSHOTS, all of whom were also nominated in the "Metal" category.

After receiving the news that they were nominated for a Spellemann award, the members of IMMORTAL issued a brief statement saying, "IMMORTAL says no to Spellemann nomination. IMMORTAL has registered that we are nominated to a Spellemann award for 'All Shall Fall'. We hereby wish to announce that we reject this nomination."

The Spellemann award in the "Metal" category eventually went to THE CUMSHOTS.

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