INSOMNIUM Set U.S. Release Date For Sophomore Album

February 23, 2004

Finnish melodic death metallers INSOMNIUM have set a May 4 U.S. release date through Candlelight Records for their sophomore album, "Since the Day it All Came Down".

Recorded at Media Works Studios and mastered at Finnvox Studios, the follow-up to 2002's "In the Halls of Awaiting" is said to contain the same solid songwriting, impeccable musicianship and inventiveness that made the band's debut a success. This time around, the band expands their concepts and lyrical adventures — finding the band truly coming into their own with a maturity that continues to be well beyond their years. Vocalist/bassist Niilo Sevanen comments: "This album contains music that is maybe more difficult to define. The foundation is still the melodic Scandinavian death metal, but there are very different kind of moods on the album. Progressive shades have taken a larger part in the new sound. This is a heavier and gloomier album than the first one, and surely more challenging."

"Since the Day It All Came Down" track listing:

01. Nocturne
02. The Day it All Came Down
03. Daughter of the Moon
04. The Moment of Reckoning
05. Bereavement
06. Under the Plaintive Sky
07. Resonance
08. Death Walked the Earth
09. Disengagement
10. Closing Words
11. Song of the Forlorn Son

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