ISOLE: New Audio Samples Available For Download

February 28, 2006

Audio samples of the new ISOLE tracks "The Beyond" and "Beyond the Black II" have been made available for download at the group's official web site, Both songs will be included on the Swedish doom metal quartet's upcoming 7" vinyl release, "The Beyond", due on March 13 via I Hate Records. The single marks the group's first recording with new drummer Jonas Lindström, who is also a member of the death metal quartet WITHERED BEAUTY and black metal quintet UNDIVINE. The single's title cut, "The Beyond", is described in a press release as "a relatively up-tempo scorcher of a song" while "Beyond the Black II" is said to be "a really slow piece of mournful epic doom." Despite borrowing its title from the debut album track, "Beyond the Black II" doesn’t have much in common with its namesake, being much slower and with only some parts recognizable from its name predecessor.

ISOLE are currently recording their as-yet-untitled second album at their own Studio Apocalypse. The CD, which is expected to have a slightly rawer and heavier sound (both production- and music-wise) than the band's 2005 debut, "Forevermore", is expected to be completed by the end of March for a tentative June release.

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