KILLSWITCH ENGAGE Side Project TIMES OF GRACE: 'The New Music Has Been Complete For A While Now'

September 19, 2019

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE singer Jesse Leach has issued an update about the progress of the recording sessions for the new album from TIMES OF GRACE, his collaborative project with KILLSWITCH ENGAGE guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz.

He wrote on Instagram: "The new music has been complete for a while now just waiting for me to finish vocals. Adam D has been beyond patient for me to get through what seems like many obstacles, major life changes and more time than I'd like to admit it has taken me to face my demons long enough to write.

"The lyrics on this current album we are slowly working on are the deep, painful and soul searching type that can not be forced or faked. In fact even some of my most cherished ones thus far have not been up to par and I must dig deeper and deeper to find the proper words to convey what needs to be said.

"I want to thank my brother and musical soul mate Adam for his undying patience and sheer belief in my abilities. Even in times when I’ve doubted if I have enough snuff to keep up with his incredible drive and talent he has graciously reminded me I am worthy. I would also like to thank the 3rd official member of this project @holycrapzombies for his seriously amazing skills as a drummer and musician. He has been a close friend of ours since we toured with him as our drummer. He sounds absolutely phenomenal on this album! He had completed his drum parts over a year ago now and has been patiently waiting for the completion of vocals.

"Packing my bags to head to California for what I hope to be the last of two sessions to get this record done. I hope and pray I am able to produce and perform what is needed to make this album everything I feel it can be. No teasers here just a little note from me to let you know the wheels are still in fact in motion and I am beyond honored to be a part of this project and band despite my mental and musical shortcomings and countless disbelief in myself. This one will be for the broken and wounded, this is your album."

Dutkiewicz recently told Metal Wani that TIMES OF GRACE might release a new EP instead of a full-length album. He also called the project's new music "very different."

TIMES OF GRACE originally entered Signature Sound studio in San Diego, California in late 2017 to begin recording material for its new LP. Sitting behind the drum kit during the sessions was Dan Gluszak, who previously played drums for TIMES OF GRACE on tour and has since been named an official member of the band.

Two years ago, Leach said that TIMES OF GRACE's new material was "shaping up to be a whole different world of sound and words. I will be using different melodic registers and less growl substituted by more 'melodic yelling,'" he said. "The lyrics are primarily quite melancholy so far but most of my lyrics often do begin that way and find light as the process unfolds."

Dutkiewicz previously revealed that he had demoed more than a dozen tracks for the next TIMES OF GRACE album.

TIMES OF GRACE's debut album, "The Hymn Of A Broken Man", was released in January 2011 via Roadrunner Records. The CD sold around 10,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 44 on The Billboard 200 chart.

Leach told Lithium Magazine in 2016 that "the cool thing about TIMES OF GRACE is that it's another outlet for us, and moving forward with that project, it's gonna be even more different from KILLSWITCH. There's gonna be no quote-unquote metalcore sound going on. As a matter of fact, I'm planning on not doing much aggressive vocals at all."

Dutkiewicz and Leach originally worked together on KILLSWITCH ENGAGE's benchmark album, 2002's "Alive Or Just Breathing". That record has become definitive for an entire generation of American metal, with Leach's voice and uplifting lyrics serving as one of the key elements that propelled the album to "modern classic" status. Leach left KILLSWITCH ENGAGE shortly after "Alive Or Just Breathing"'s release but rejoined the group in early 2012 following the departure of his replacement, Howard Jones.

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Looking at this photo it feels like a lifetime ago since the last time @times_of_grace_music played. I even look so much different now than back in those days all bloated and perpetually drunk...The new music has been complete for a while now just waiting for me to finish vocals. Adam D has been beyond patient for me to get through what seems like many obstacles, major life changes and more time than I’d like to admit it has taken me to face my demons long enough to write. The lyrics on this current album we are slowly working on are the deep, painful and soul searching type that can not be forced or faked. In fact even some of my most cherished ones thus far have not been up to par and I must dig deeper and deeper to find the proper words to convey what needs to be said. I want to thank my brother and musical soul mate Adam for his undying patience and sheer belief in my abilities. Even in times when I’ve doubted if I have enough snuff to keep up with his incredible drive and talent he has graciously reminded me I am worthy. I would also like to thank the 3rd official member of this project @holycrapzombies for his seriously amazing skills as a drummer and musician. He has been a close friend of ours since we toured with him as our drummer. He sounds absolutely phenomenal on this album! He had completed his drum parts over a year ago now and has been patiently waiting for the completion of vocals. Packing my bags to head to California for what I hope to be the last of two sessions to get this record done. I hope and pray I am able to produce and perform what is needed to make this album everything I feel it can be. No teasers here just a little note from me to let you know the wheels are still in fact in motion and I am beyond honored to be a part of this project and band despite my mental and musical shortcomings and countless disbelief in myself. This one will be for the broken and wounded, this is your album... . . Photo by my dude @jimmyhubbard ・・・#TimesOfGrace

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