March 16, 2021

Members of GUNS N' ROSES, KISS, SKID ROW, MÖTLEY CRÜE, ANTHRAX, WARRANT and BULLETBOYS are among the musicians who have reacted on social media to the passing of longtime Metal Edge editor Gerri Miller.

Miller, a veteran lifestyle and entertainment journalist who had also contributed to a variety of print and web outlets, including Glamour,,, Lupus Now, Muscle & Fitness, Jewish Journal, Brain World, and, died in Los Angeles on Sunday, March 14 after a six-month battle with cancer. She was 67 years old.

Metal Edge had been publishing for 24 years before closing its doors in 2009. Covering bands across the hard rock spectrum — from classic metal to thrash to punk — Metal Edge was considered a leading voice in the mainstream metal media. Launched in 1985, Metal Edge was published twelve times a year — providing in-depth coverage of current musical acts, including band profiles, news of the latest releases and coverage of the biggest tours.

Miller edited Metal Edge for 14 years before spending the last decade working almost exclusively in Jewish journalism, mostly at the Jewish Journal Of Greater Los Angeles.

KISS wrote: "We are saddened by the passing of our friend Gerri Miller. RIP. She was a champion of so many bands during her time at Metal Edge magazine and loved the music and scene of it all. Our deepest sympathies to her family & friends."

WARRANT tweeted: " RIP Gerri Miller from Metal Edge Magazine. She gave @warrantrocks our first national press before we had a record deal and was a huge supporter of 80s Rock Bands. Thank You for all your support and God Bless in Heaven".

ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante said: "I am very sad to hear this. We loved Gerri , she was such a Huge part of the success of so many bands. I will never forget her".

SKID ROW guitarist Dave "Snake" Sabo tweeted: "This sucks!! Gerri was so kind to our band and so many others in our early days and beyond. You could always count on her support. She played a big part in our success. So sorry for all of her family and friends (of which there were many). You will be missed."

God bless you Gerri Miller? When many others did not, you always included Stryper in the Metal Edge Magazine - you...

Posted by Stryper on Monday, March 15, 2021

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