KISS Reportedly Played Private Show For No More Than 100 People In Austin Last Night (Video)

October 23, 2022

According to, KISS played a secret show for Philip Morris International, the largest tobacco company in the world, on Saturday, October 22.

This private concert was not open to the public, and it took place at Vulcan Gas Company, a small club in downtown Austin. No more than 100 people attended the concert.

A video showing the majority of the performance can be found at

Three years ago, Simmons told the "Three Sides Of The Coin" podcast that none of the KISS members smoke cigarettes. "Nobody drinks," he said. "Not because there's some kind of rule. If you wanna drink off to the side, sure, help yourself — as long as you're professional on stage. But nobody goes to the bars — there's no pub stuff. It's not part of the culture. And literally nobody in the band uses drugs. And maybe that has a lot to do with showing up on time and getting up on that stage and making the words true. 'You wanted the best' — not the second best or kind of good — 'you wanted the best. You've got the best. The hottest motherfucking band on the planet.' And the words have to mean that, or get off the stage and give — I don't know — GRETA VAN FLEET a chance."

KISS's "End Of The Road" farewell tour launched in 2019 and is scheduled to end sometime in 2023, 50 years after the band's formation.

In an interview, KISS frontman Paul Stanley stated about the band's live shows: "There's nothing really that can compete or come close to the combustive emotional nature of what we do on stage and the connection to the fans. That's something that's irreplaceable. That's something that there's nothing to compare it to."

Regarding KISS's decision to complete one last tour before calling it quits, Stanley said: "This is really a time of joy and for us to be up there and celebrate what we've done together. It's much better than finishing a tour, let's say, and then a year later deciding you don't want to go out and two years later you decide you don't want to go out. In that sense, you've called it quits, but this is so much better for us and better for the fans to go out there with the highest of spirits and the greatest of shows."

Speaking about the "End Of The Road" stage production, Stanley said: "The show this time really is the ultimate KISS show. With that in mind, we wanted to put together something that really raised the bar, not just for us, but as happened over the years, raises the bar for every act out there. That's a good thing because the fans win because of it. This show is more bombastic. There's more pyro. The lights are stunning. The automation involved, the computer synchronization is unlike anything we've ever done, and yet it doesn't lose, we don't wind up with something that's technical and sterile over something that's passionate and gritty. So it's a marvel, I've got to tell you. It left us speechless when we first saw the finished stage. And for us to be silent is a miracle in itself."

KISS was forced to put its farewell trek on hold in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In October 2021, Stanley said that the final concert of the "End Of The Road" tour will likely happen by early 2023.

"End Of The Road" was originally scheduled to conclude on July 17, 2021 in New York City but has since been extended. The trek was announced in September 2018 following a KISS performance of the band's classic song "Detroit Rock City" on "America's Got Talent".

KISS's current lineup consists of original members Stanley and Simmons, alongside later band additions, guitarist Tommy Thayer (since 2002) and drummer Eric Singer (on and off since 1991).

Formed in 1973 by Stanley, Simmons, drummer Peter Criss and guitarist Ace Frehley, KISS's first "farewell" tour in 2000 was the last to feature the group's original lineup.

To know that kiss was across the street last night @ Vulcan Gas Company is crazy !!!!!!!!?

Posted by Kewl Kris Vasquez on Sunday, October 23, 2022

Super secret KISS show at The Vulcan in Austin tonight. We made a hell of a mess. Rockin my @tonyhinchcliffe @killtonyshow TShirt!! Sorry about the confetti!!

Posted by Prairie Guitars on Saturday, October 22, 2022

KISS played at a private event at Vulcan and I got to help with load out for them :’)

Posted by Cristian Gonzalez on Sunday, October 23, 2022

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