LACUNA COIL's CRISTINA SCABBIA: Italy 'Didn't Create Coronavirus; We Are Fighting It'

March 7, 2020

Cristina Scabbia of Italian heavy rockers LACUNA COIL says that she and her bandmates are "doing well" and are continuing to live their lives despite the fact that their country has reported the most deaths from the new coronavirus outside of China, where the virus emerged in December.

On Thursday, Scabbia took to her Instagram to write: "I am getting lots of concerned messages about our health and I feel blessed knowing we are so loved.

"I really, really want to take a minute to THANK YOU all.

"Despite news spreading fear (sometimes panic) around the world , Italy has not become like in Resident Evil and not 'every single italian is close to death' as some articles want you to believe, even if of course we are very active and attentive in preventing any case without hiding our heads under the sand.

"We, in the band, are doing well and we keep on living our lives, knowing that even if coronavirus does NOT automatically = death, it is still important to protect whoever is more exposed or is more frail against viruses (especially elders with pathologies and anyone with preconditions) and to prevent any kind of spreading for the world's good.

"I am confident that the moment will pass for us all soon, and I have faith in our health system that WANTS to search for ill people IN ORDER TO HELP AND CURE , being very transparent and not hiding results for the rest of the world, because in case you didn't notice, the whole world is involved and we didn't create this virus, we are fighting it.

"We love you all, see you around the world (hopefully) soon, in the meantime, I will keep on enjoying my beautiful country I love so much and its amazing (and healthy) food"

Earlier in the week, LACUNA COIL canceled its previously scheduled shows in Australia and Southeast Asia due to mounting concerns of the coronavirus.

Nearly 200 people in Italy have died from the coronavirus, including 49 during the most recent 24-hour period. More than 4,600 cases have been reported in total.

The bulk of the cases are in the northern region of Lombardy, whose capital is Milan, which is where LACUNA COIL is based.

In Italy, which has one of the world's oldest populations, 4.25% of individuals confirmed to have the coronavirus have died, the highest rate on the planet.

Around 100,000 people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus and more than 3,000 people have died — the majority in China.

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I am getting lots of concerned messages about our health and I feel blessed knowing we are so loved. I really, really want to take a minute to THANK YOU all. Despite news spreading fear (sometimes panic) around the world , Italy has not become like in Resident Evil and not "every single italian is close to death" as some articles want you to believe, even if of course we are very active and attentive in preventing any case without hiding our heads under the sand. We, in the band, are doing well and we keep on living our lives, knowing that even if coronavirus does NOT automatically = death, it is still important to protect whoever is more exposed or is more frail against viruses (especially elders with pathologies and anyone with preconditions) and to prevent any kind of spreading for the world's good. I am confident that the moment will pass for us all soon, and I have faith in our health system that WANTS to search for ill people IN ORDER TO HELP AND CURE , being very transparent and not hiding results for the rest of the world, because in case you didn't notice, the whole world is involved and we didn't create this virus, we are fighting it. We love you all, see you around the world (hopefully) soon, in the meantime, I will keep on enjoying my beautiful country I love so much and its amazing (and healthy) food ????

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