LAMB OF GOD's CHRIS ADLER Discusses 'Metal On The Mountain', Songwriting Process, Drum Clinics

June 19, 2013

Earlier this month, conducted an interview with drummer Chris Adler of Richmond, Virgina metallers LAMB OF GOD. You can now listen to the chat in the YouTube clip below.

LAMB OF GOD recently announced the Metal On The Mountain retreat, set to take place July 15-19 at the Full Moon Resort in Big Indian, New York. The weeklong retreat, which is limited to 170 fans, will feature activities aimed at musicians and non-musicians alike. The curriculum, created by the band, will include guitar and drum clinics with Mark Morton, Willie Adler and Chris Adler as well as group instruction, songwriting sessions and competitions, nightly jam sessions with the band and fans, band question-and-answer session, the premiere of the LAMB OF GOD feature film scheduled for a fall theatrical release, and a full band concert the final night of the retreat. Longtime designer Ken Adams will discuss the creation of LAMB OF GOD album and t-shirt designs and band tour manager and soundman Brian Griffin will instruct fans on the art of mixing a live metal show. Non-musical activities will include motorcycle excursions with bassist John Campbell, a seminar on primitive fire building by Randy Blythe, and a casino night. Also, all of the fans will enjoy all of the amenities available at the Full Moon Resort.

For more information on the Metal On The Mountain retreat, go to

As previously reported, Prague, Czech Republic's High Court upheld LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe's "not guilty" verdict on June 5 in connection with the death of a fan three years ago. The court's decision is final.

A three-judge panel on March 5 acquitted Blythe of manslaughter in the death of 19-year-old Daniel Nosek.

Blythe was facing the possibility of conviction and a long-term jail sentence after a May 2010 incident in which Nosek, who attended a LAMB OF GOD performance in Prague, died almost a month later, allegedly from injuries sustained when he was thrown off the stage.

Though Blythe faced up to 10 years in prison, during the closing argument, prosecutors only asked the judge for the minimum sentence of five years.

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