Legendary Finnish Rock Manager SEPPO VESTERINEN Dies At 71

April 4, 2020

Legendary Finnish rock manager Seppo Vesterinen has died at the age of 71.

Vesterinen, who was instrumental in guiding the careers of some of Finland's most globally successful music acts, including HIM, HANOI ROCKS and THE RASMUS, passed away Thursday evening (April 2) at a hospital in Ekenäs after a lengthy illness, according to the Helsinki Times.

Vesterinen was awarded the City of Helsinki Culture Prize for his contributions to Finnish culture in 2005 and was the first to teach courses in performing arts at the Helsinki Theatre Academy. He also staged successful productions of "West Side Story" and "Hamlet".

On Friday, former HIM drummer Mika "Gas Lipstick" Karppinen took to social media to share the news of Seppo's death. He wrote: Hi everyone. I have sad news. Seppo Vesterinen ex HIM manager is no longer with us. He deceased last night and is roaming with Jimi Hendrix and John Bonham among others. I don't think that I have ever met a more nicer or wiser person in the music business. You will be missed my dear friend."

Finnish hard rockers RECKLESS LOVE, who started working with Vesterinen nearly a decade ago, wrote on their Facebook page: "In memory of Seppo Vesterinen. The greatest finnish rock manager in history. We are heartbroken. Thank you for everything. Rest In Peace."

Ex-HANOI ROCKS singer Michael Monroe wrote on his social media: "Seppo Vesterinen, the greatest Finnish manager of all time has left us. Rest in peace, my friend."

Seppo Vesterinen, the greatest Finnish manager of all time has left us. Rest in peace, my friend. *Michael*❤️

Posted by Michael Monroe on Friday, April 3, 2020

Hi everyone. I have sad news. Seppo Vesterinen ex HIM manager is no longer with us. He deceased last night and is...

Posted by Gas Lipstick on Friday, April 3, 2020

In memory of Seppo Vesterinen.
The greatest finnish rock manager in history. We are heartbroken. Thank you for everything. Rest In Peace.

Posted by Reckless Love on Friday, April 3, 2020

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