LIMP BIZKIT's DURST: WES BORLAND Will Be Surprised When He Hears The New Album

January 28, 2003

LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst has posted the following message at

"I had an interesting dream last night about Angelina Jolie. I dreamt that I was in London playing her some new songs. She stopped me in the middle of 'Build A Bridge' and asked if it was about her. I didn't know what to say so I kept playing the song and she stopped me again and asked me to please tell her who this song is about. So I told her and she kissed me like no other. Of course my phone rings and wakes me up. That is truly and literally the woman of my dreams. Whoa!! I think about her way too much.

"Today I'm definitely gonna wrap up this last song. It's a hard one to nail down. I wish I could have all of your ears in the studio with me to get your opinions. I've finished 18 songs and only 10 to 12 are going on the album. It's a doozy. There will be a lot of surprised people when they hear this, especially Mr. Borland. Aw yeah!! Just like Cool J said, 'Don't call it a come back I've been here for years.' I give you way too much information :o) kiss my ass and I love you."

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