LIZZY BORDEN, JOEY BELLADONNA To Guest On 'The Classic Metal Show'

October 21, 2007

Lizzy Borden, Joey Belladonna (ex-ANTHRAX) and Ted Poley (DANGER DANGER) will be the featured guests on next weekend's (October 27) edition of "The Classic Metal Show". The program airs live Saturdays between 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. EST at

LIZZY BORDEN has just finished filming a video for the song "Tomorrow Never Comes". The clip was shot on location in downtown Los Angeles with director Kevin Mcvey and is described as "a haunted little tale."

This will be the first video from the band's forthcoming album, "Appointment with Death", due in the U.S. on October 30 via Metal Blade Records (November 5 in Europe). Appearing in the clip are bandmembers Lizzy Borden, Joey Scott, Marten Andersson and Ira Black.

"Appointment with Death" was produced by Lizzy Borden and Joey Scott. It was recorded at the Zanzibar studios in N. Hollywood CA and was mixed by Erik Rutan (HATE ETERNAL, ex-MORBID ANGEL) at Mana studio in Florida.

Joey Belladonna will play several shows in Europe in early December, including the Atarfe Vega Rock Festival in Granada, Spain on December 1.

Belladonna last year made three full albums' worth of solo material available for paid download via his official web site.

Commented Joey: "These songs are assorted experiments that I have done and are varied in style. They are sort of 'one-offs,' basically just songs that I wanted to record for fun."

Each MP3 is available for purchase for $0.99 from this location.

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