June 21, 2019

MACHINE HEAD bassist Jared MacEachern has dislocated his shoulder in a mountain biking accident. As a result, he will be forced to wear a sling but will not require any surgery. He is expected to fully recover in time for the launch of the band's "Burn My Eyes" 25th-anniversary tour in October.

Jared wrote in an Instagram post: "Let me say first, I AM NOT MISSING TOUR. I had a mountain biking accident, and what you see in the x-ray [see below] is a level 3/5 shoulder separation in my left shoulder. No broken bones, I have little to no pain, and my fingers still work just fine. Best of all, NO SURGERY REQUIRED. My left arm is currently in a sling, so I cannot support a guitar on a strap. HOWEVER, in a few weeks I can sit and play, with full healing being complete before tour. I want to thank my wonderful, amazingly patient girlfriend @kt_lonewolf for taking care of me!"

MacEachern joined MACHINE HEAD in 2013 as the replacement for the band's original bassist Adam Duce.

MACHINE HEAD announced in March that it will celebrate the 25th anniversary of "Burn My Eyes" with a special run of shows. The dates will see drummer Chris Kontos and guitarist Logan Mader join the band onstage again to play "Burn My Eyes" in full.

The first leg of MACHINE HEAD's 25th-anniversary tour for "Burn My Eyes" will kick off in Germany on October 5 in Freiburg, and continue across Europe, wrapping in Dublin, Ireland on November 8. The U.S. leg will take place in November and December.

Kontos left MACHINE HEAD before the release of the band's second album, 1997's "The More Things Change", and was replaced by Dave McClain.

Mader contributed to two MACHINE HEAD albums, the aforementioned "Burn My Eyes" and "The More Things Change", before exiting the group and being replaced by Ahrue Luster and, later on, Phil Demmel.

McClain and Demmel both left MACHINE HEAD last fall.

Jared dislocated his shoulder? Here is a video update of the biking accident. He’s doing well, and will be fully recovered by the tour. Please see our other post for more information

Posted by Machine Head on Thursday, June 20, 2019

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