MAX CAVALERA: I Can't Waste My Time Thinking About SEPULTURA

August 25, 2015

Metal XS conducted an interview with Max Cavalera (SOULFLY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, SEPULTURA) at this year's Hellfest, which took place in late June in Clisson, France. You can now watch the chat below.

Speaking about the possibility of a reunion of the classic SEPULTURA lineup, Max said: "I can't waste my time thinking [about] SEPULTURA. I don't think there's gonna be a reunion. I don't think so. And I think it's for the best. Because maybe it wouldn't be the same as it was in the '90s, you know. It was really good, and you don't wanna ruin that. You can't force it. And you [don't wanna] get on a stage and it's not the same; it's shit. And it's like… There's no 'rewind' buttom. [Laughs] So it's better not [to] do it. I think it's better not to touch it."

In 1996, Max exited SEPULTURA after the rest of the band fired Cavalera's wife Gloria as their manager.

Max's brother Igor left SEPULTURA in June 2006 due to "artistic differences." Igor's departure from the band came five months after he announced that he was taking a break from SEPULTURA's touring activities to spend time with his second wife and their new son (who was born in January 2006).

SOULFLY's tenth studio album, "Archangel", was released on August 14 via Nuclear Blast Entertainment. The CD was produced by Matt Hyde, who has previously worked with SLAYER and CHILDREN OF BODOM. The cover artwork was created by artist Eliran Kantor (TESTAMENT, ICED EARTH, SODOM).

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