MEGADETH-Signed Guitar Raises More Than $6,000 for COVID-19 Response In Indonesia

April 16, 2020

According to The Jakarta Post, a guitar signed by the four members of MEGADETH was auctioned for Rp 100 million ($6,363) as part of a fundraising campaign for those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The guitar, which was owned by music promoter Rajawali Indonesia founder Anas Alimi, was won by MEGADETH fan Andi Ananda Manggabarani during a live-streamed auction on digital content platform's Instagram account.

"Hopefully, what we did today can be an example of how heavy metal music can initiate something good. You cannot put a value on this, especially since it's for charity," Andi said in a statement.

MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson promoted the auction via a video message shared by Anas on his Instagram account.

"I'm completely in awe that so many people still want to help others. I'm very proud to be a part of this campaign," said Anas, who previously auctioned another guitar signed by MEGADETH during a fundraiser for victims of the 2018 Central Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami.

All proceeds from the latest fundraiser will be donated to a COVID-19 crowdfunding initiative on

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