MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE Looks Healthy In New Family Photo

November 23, 2019

Six months after he was diagnosed with throat cancer, MEGADETH leader Dave Mustaine appears to be making a remarkable recovery.

Earlier today, Dave's wife of 28 years, Pam, uploaded a photo (see below) of what was apparently a family get-together at a restaurant near their home in Franklin, Tennessee, and she included the caption: "Let the holidays begin! #family" Seen in the picture are Dave and Pam along with their 27-year-old son Justis and 21-year-old daughter Electra, as well as Justis's girlfriend.

The 58-year-old MEGADETH guitarist/vocalist revealed his cancer diagnosis on June 17 on social media.

Last month, MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson said that Dave had completed his cancer treatments and was looking forward to hitting the road with his bandmates in January as the support act for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH in Europe.

Although most of MEGADETH's previously announced 2019 tour dates were canceled as Mustaine battled the disease, the MEGADETH-curated Megacruise — which took place October 13-19 — still departed as scheduled, with Dave absent from the ship.

MEGADETH's tour with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and BAD WOLVES will visit 14 European countries starting on January 20 at the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Finland and ending on February 20 at the Budapest Sportarena in Budapest, Hungary.

This past September, Mustaine listed his home outside Nashville for $2.498 million.

Mustaine purchased the house five years ago for $1.8 million, according to public records.

Dave and his family moved to Nashville in October 2014 after living in Fallbrook, California for a couple of years.

In May of this year, Mustaine sold his Fallbrook estate for $2 million.

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Let the holidays begin! #family ??✨

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