MEGADETH's Rattleheads NFT Rebranded As Megadeth Digital

August 25, 2023

Iconic thrash metal pioneers MEGADETH, led by founder and frontman Dave Mustaine, have announced their latest endeavor in the Web3 space as they transform the Rattleheads NFT brand into Megadeth Digital. Starting with a generative collection by Mustaine and MEGADETH, this cutting-edge NFT experience will grant fans and blockchain enthusiasts alike, unique access and exclusive glimpses into the world of MEGADETH.

"From the very beginning, when our first album set the standard for thrash metal to our 2016 album release that came with a full Virtual Reality experience, I've always made sure that we were leading the charge," Mustaine said. "With the continued development of Web3 technology and its ability to directly connect us with our fans, I'm excited to dive deeper into this world with MEGADETH NFTs and create new immersive experiences for our community in this evolving space."

MEGADETH is working alongside Bill Starkov, an NFT project founder, and Haddy, the new artist for Megadeth Digital, both who made a name in Web3 through their collection "Apocalyptic Apes". For this relaunch Starkov is lending his NFT knowledge and relationships to the project.

"The music and the blockchain will live in perfect harmony together. Music has the ability to be deleted so quickly from streaming platforms or YouTube, but the blockchain is permanent," Starkov explains. "By expanding their presence in Web3, MEGADETH's artwork and music has the ability to live on in the blockchain for decades to come."

After championing multiple facets of the music industry, MEGADETH will continue to solidify its name and place in Web3 with this upcoming launch. Combining a passion for digital assets and experiences in the ever-evolving crypto space, MEGADETH is committed to building a strong foundation with Megadeth Digital and bringing the excitement back to Web3. With a variety of experiences in the works allowing unprecedented access to MEGADETH and Mustaine, fans of the band will have access to a limited availability item that will last a lifetime.

More information can be found on MEGADETH's official web site and the Megadeth Digital Twitter.

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