METALLICA's LARS ULRICH Interviewed On Korean TV (Video)

January 18, 2017

Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) conducted an interview with METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich prior to the band's January 11 concert at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, South Korea. You can now watch the chat below.

METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett told Today that he felt tremendously excited when the band previously played in Korea in 2013.

"In Korea, they are a lot less conservative than what we were told," he said. "When we got there, the audience was just super, super rocking and that surprised us. That was a very pleasant surprise, and, of course, it was very exciting."

Regarding METALLICA's expectations for this month's show in Seoul, Hammett said: "Whenever and wherever we go, we try not to set an expectation. It's wise to just go there openly and just kind of like, see how it is and just, you know, go from there. Like what happened in China. We didn't have much expectations going into China, especially [since] it's a new place to us. We tried not to expect too much. But once we got there, we [were] very surprised [to see] how well versed the fans were with our music. They knew the songs really, really well."

METALLICA has shows booked in China, Singapore, Denmark, Mexico and South America over the next three months, but has yet to unveil its full 2017 tour plans, including its first North American tour in eight years.

The band's sole North American date so far is May 21 at the Rock On The Range festival in Columbus, Ohio.

METALLICA's latest album, "Hardwired... To Self-Destruct", came out in November. The effort consists of two discs, containing a dozen songs and nearly 80 minutes of music.


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