METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT To Sign Limited-Edition Mug At Burbank, California's Dark Delicacies

February 26, 2020

METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett will be signing the limited-edition Hammett & Hyde Mug from The Kirk Hammett Collection on Sunday, March 22 at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

This will be a numbered event. When you purchase the mug ($45),you will get a number for your place in line.

Hammett will not be signing METALLICA merchandise.

Earlier this week, METALLICA canceled its headlining performances at the Sonic Temple festival in Columbus, Ohio on May 15 and May 17 and the Louder Than Life event in Louisville, Kentucky on September 18 and September 20, so that frontman James Hetfield can continue his recovery after re-entering rehab last fall.

Hetfield posted an open letter on the official METALLICA web site in which he said about the canceled dates, "As part of my continuing effort to get and stay healthy, I have critical recovery events on those weekends that cannot be moved. I apologize to all of our fans who have bought tickets for these festivals. We are working with the festival promoters to provide for refunds or exchanges."

The musician stressed that METALLICA will play all other announced 2020 shows, including an April run in South America, the Epicenter festival in Charlotte on May 1 and May 3, Welcome To Rockville in Daytona on May 8 and May 10 and Aftershock in Sacramento on October 9 and October 11. The band will play two unique sets at each of those three festivals as previously promised.

Everyone mark your calendars for Sunday, March 22nd from 4 to 7 pm.

Kirk Hammett signing the Hammett - Hyde Tiki Mug ($45). Kirk will not be signing any Metallica items.

Posted by Dark Delicacies on Monday, February 24, 2020

Our #hammettandhyde mug debuts this week at the #itsalive exhibit at @colamuseum ⚡️⚡️⚡️???
#geekitikis #tikiterrors #tikituesday #thekirkhammettcollection @fearfestevil ?: @kirkhammett

Posted by Beeline Creative on Tuesday, February 11, 2020

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