MORNING: 'Moments Of Truth' Track Listing, Artwork Revealed

August 12, 2008

Dutch female-fronted metal band MORNING will release its sophomore album, "Moments of Truth", in September. For the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, MORNING signed a deal with Snakebite Records (MENNEN, ZINATRA, MEDEA),who will issue the CD on September 3. "Moments of Truth" will be made available in North and South America on September 16 via Renaissance Records (DIE SO FLUID, SKYLARK, LA-VENTURA, RUBYQ).

The follow-up to 2005's "Hour of Joy" (Black Lotus Records),"Moments of Truth" was produced by Gail Liebling (GAIL OF GOD),who has previously worked with such bands as CALLENISH CIRCLE, CRUACHAN (as a producer),FEAR FACTORY and SYMPHONY X (as a sound engineer).

"Moments of Truth" track listing:

01. Fading vs. Waiting
02. Killing Truth
03. Black Roses
04. Death of Hearts
05. Let's Escape
06. My Shadow's Meal
07. Ever Unfolding Secret
08. Disorder
09. A Burden
10. My Gift in Deep Red
11. Tortured
12. Blow
13. Shaping Time

The cover artwork (see below) was created by Japayork, who has previously worked with VIA AUDIO, THE VELVET TEEN, BART OOSTINDIE BAND and BLACKMAIL. The rest of the booklet and sleeve were designed by MORNING bandmembers Saskia van Heugten and Stijn Bannier.

"Moments of Truth" will be released in a digipack version in the BeNeLux through Snakebite Records and as a jewelcase in North and South America through Renaissance Records.

MORNING last fall announced the addition of drummer Jim van de Kerkhof (UPLIFTED, MORTON BLACK) to the group's ranks.

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