May 4, 2018

MOTIONLESS IN WHITE has parted ways with longtime bassist Devin "Ghost" Sola. Filling in for him at the band's upcoming shows will be the group's former guitarist, TJ Bell.

MOTIONLESS IN WHITE said in a statement: "It has been a pleasure to have spent the past seven years on the road around the world with Devin creating lifelong memories. We wish him nothing but the best as he enters the next chapter of his life.

"We will still be performing on every single date of the upcoming Vans Warped Tour 2018 and are excited to announce that ex-MOTIONLESS member TJ Bell will be filling in on bass for the duration of the tour."

In a statement of his own, Sola explained that "a multitude of circumstances made it extremely difficult" for him "to hold on to my connection with so many. The cons simply began to outweigh the pros," he said." It hindered my ability to live a productive life. I began deprioritizing myself and my well being. This began to take a toll on my psyche and at the hardest of times caused me to experience fatigue, overwhelming anxiety and depression.

"As I grow older and analyze things differently, I realize that I have to consider the results of this and make a change in order to live a happy and healthy life," he added.

MOTIONLESS IN WHITE is continuing to tour in support of its latest album, "Graveyard Shift", which arrived last year.

Founded in 2005, MOTIONLESS IN WHITE has won over audiences worldwide with its aggressive music and arresting imagery. The band has proven a ferocious and inventive live act, earning an increasingly fervent fan following via countless headline shows, festival sets, and tours alongside such iconic acts as SLIPKNOT, KORN and BREAKING BENJAMIN.

It is believed that every seven years you experience a substantial shift in your life. In 2011 I arrived at a new, exciting chapter and now in 2018 I am entering another. As of today I will officially be parting ways with Motionless In White. I’ve traveled the world, had unforgettable experiences and most importantly created friendships that will last a lifetime. I had the amazing privilege of performing and showing my art to the world and that’s truly all I could ever ask for. Unfortunately in more recent times a multitude of circumstances made it extremely difficult for me to hold on to my connection with so many. The cons simply began to outweigh the pros. It hindered my ability to live a productive life. I began deprioritizing myself and my well being. This began to take a toll on my psyche and at the hardest of times caused me to experience fatigue, overwhelming anxiety and depression. As I grow older and analyze things differently I realize that I have to consider the results of this and make a change in order to live a happy and healthy life. Thank you to every crew member, fellow musician and anyone else I shared this time with. I am incredibly fortunate for everything I have experienced and truly blessed for having such amazing and talented individuals in my life. You influenced me to be my strongest and helped me when I was at my weakest. I can’t thank you enough and love you all. Above all, thank you to every fan who has shown their sincere, incredible support. You poured your hearts out and I consider myself so lucky to be a part of the community you invited me into. You truly are the driving force. Many of you continuously touched my heart with your dedication, creativity and passion. You are the fire that kept me burning through out these past seven years and I will never forget that. I will continue to hold onto the love and energy you have all so graciously given me and place it in a positive, new environment for myself. Thank you.

A post shared by Devin Sola ? (@lonesomeghosts) on

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