New ANGUS YOUNG 'Rock Iconz' Statue Coming Soon

February 22, 2019

KnuckleBonz, creator of the Rock Iconz music collectible series, has announced the production of an Angus Young (AC/DC) statue, available for pre-order now at this location. Incredibly detailed and highly exclusive, each one is hand-painted, numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity on the base.

This is a limited-edition collectible; only 3,000 are made by hand and sold worldwide. These statues are created in 1/9 scale.

KnuckleBonz has been creating high-end statues since 2003 and continues to be dedicated to honoring music's greatest performers through master artistry in the limited-edition statue series called Rock Iconz. The company's goal is to capture a "live performance" moment in each limited edition.

Each statue sells for $149 and ships worldwide.

Angus Young Rock Iconz® statue

The sky's a-light with the guitar bite - Angus Young Rock Iconz® statue
This amazing 1/9 scale collectible is an exclusive limited edition and is hand-cast, painted and numbered. Each piece features a certificate of authenticity on the base. Only 3000 pieces created. All Rock Iconz statues are officially licensed. ROCK N' ROLL AC/DC

Posted by KnuckleBonz Rock Iconz on Wednesday, February 13, 2019

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