NIGHTWISH: Vintage Vinyl Performance Available Online

November 2, 2007

Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH performed a 25-minute set on October 19, 2007 at New Jersey's legendary independent record store Vintage Vinyl. The event was produced by and was offered to fans as a free webcast stream worldwide. The setlist was as follows:

01. The Poet And The Pendulum
02. Bye Bye Beautiful
03. Amaranth

Watch the performance below.

NIGHTWISH's new album, "Dark Passion Play", was recently certified gold in Sweden for sales in excess of 30,000 copies. The CD, which has already achieved triple-platinum status in Finland after selling more than 90,000 copies, has shifted 23,000 units in the United States since its October 2, 2007 release.

In an interview with, NIGHTWISH keyboardist and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen broke down why so many people have embraced NIGHTWISH's music: "Our music is very diverse. There's the real heavy stuff, there's a lot of ballads as well, and the hybrid of orchestra with guitars, so it's a little bit for everybody, I guess.

"I think it's the honesty of the music. We've never followed any trends. We've always done things our own way. People have inner feelings when they sense what's real and what's not. Even though we are kind of childish and kind of a naive band, there is a lot of honesty, and that's what people can appreciate."

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