PAUL DI'ANNO: Japanese Dates Announced

May 4, 2009

Former IRON MAIDEN singer Paul Di'Anno has scheduled two Japanese shows in October. The details are as follows:

Oct. 11 - Tokyo Classic Rock Jam, KoseiNenkin Hall - Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 17 - Club Citta, Kawasaki - Tokyo, Japan

In a recent interview with, Paul Di'Anno stated about the status of his new solo album, "We started to record it last year in Germany, but have since had some business problems associated with the production company involved with this project, so I may start another new album quite soon now. At the moment I am just concentrating on touring, as this is taking up 100% of my time right now."

Regarding his autobiography, entitled "The Beast", which came out several years ago, Di'Anno said, "Well, I thought if I am gonna write an autobiography, then I had better go for it with nothing held back. I didn't want it to be just another one of those poncy, pampering my ego autobiography rock books, where I would spend the whole time trying to fucking congratulate myself like so many others, so I just told it like it was. Also I was fucking sick and tired of every other fucker writing whatever they felt like writing about me, so this was a way of shutting them all up and telling them all to fuck off. After it was released, I got some mixed reactions, but generally it has worked for me as putting my life out there as it was."

Fan-filmed video footage of Paul Di'Anno's March 27, 2009 concert at Klubb 033 in Borås, Sweden can be viewed below.

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