August 10, 2016

Bobby Blotzer's RATT has parted ways with bassist Robbie Crane. He is the second member to exit the band after guitarist Nicholas "Blaze" Baum's departure from the group was announced by Blotzer.

In a Facebook post, Crane says: "As of today, I have resigned my position as the bass player of Bobby Blotzer's band RATT.

"While the events of the past few weeks did play a small role in my decision, I feel like it's time for me move on and focus on the positive things in my life.

"I wish Bobby the best in the future, and thank Warren [DeMartini], Stephen [Pearcy], Robbin [Crosby] and Juan [Croucier] for writing the great songs that afforded me the opportunity to live the dream. Thank you for understanding and supporting me in my decision."

Blotzer earlier in the month hinted at trouble in the RATT camp, telling ClassX Radio: "We are a great band, that's all I can say. I'm so proud of us, you know. But I also wanna see people having their act together on every level. That includes me, too. Nobody's immune from the… from what we've gotta do out there.

"I'm doing all the work behind the scenes, and these cats, all they've gotta do is show up and do their part," he added.

"They'd better grow up real quick here, because there's a lot of sailors out there that would give their leg to go out on this ship."

Blotzer also defended his decision to go out on tour as RATT without any other original members of the band, explaining that fans just want to hear the music performed the way it was recorded on the group's albums.

"No matter what, this band plays so good and does such great integrity to the music of RATT," he told ClassX Radio. "That's why everybody's been hired. The singer just blows Stephen Pearcy out of the water at this day and age. And frankly, [he sounds better than Stephen did] even when we started out."

Blotzer's revamped RATT also includes vocalist Josh Alan (ex-SIN CITY SINNERS) and guitarist Doc Ellis (Jizzy Pearl's LOVE/HATE).

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