SACRED REICH Frontman Calls Out BLABBERMOUTH.NET For 'Click-Inducing,' TRUMP-Bashing Headline

June 20, 2019

SACRED REICH frontman Phil Rind has called out BLABBERMOUTH.NET for picking a "click-inducing headline" for an article containing his comments about President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday (June 19),BLABBERMOUTH.NETreported on an interviewRind gave to Revolver magazine in which he spoke about the lyrical inspiration for the band's new song "Don't Do It Donnie", which was released in April as part of a split seven-inch single with IRON REAGAN.

"My feelings about [Trump] are conflicted," Phil told Revolver. "From a pure standpoint, I feel bad for him. I have a lot of compassion because I know he's probably suffering a great deal. I mean, have you ever worked at a job where you really were in over your head and had no idea what you were doing? It's a terrible feeling. That's his life every day. But he also possesses an ego that won't let him admit that to himself. So he must have an incredible amount of inner turmoil and it's really problematic.

"I have some friends that are Trump supporters who are, like, 'You hate him,'" Rind added. "I don't hate anybody, I certainly don't hate him, but I think he's a kind of awful human being. He's an example of how your life becomes when you're a narcissist and all that matters is your ego, your pocketbook and [what] you can get out of everything. This is the example of what life looks like when your only motivation is selfish things. That's the opposite of how we should all actually strive to be. The Dalai Lama always says that the best way to cherish yourself is to cherish others. And that's the thing, also in 'Manifest' — the idea is if you do things for yourself, you're limited to one thing, and if you do things for others, there is no limit to what you can do for other people."

Response to Rind's comments, like the response to everything else regarding Trump, was polarized. Some fans praised the SACRED REICH frontman for joining the many American musicians fighting Donald Trump's presidency through song. Others, however, slammed Rind and artists like him who insist on inserting themselves into the political sphere.

Earlier today, Rind took to the SACRED REICH Instagram to lament the state of Internet journalism and the seeming emphasis on easy fluff stories and clickbait tabloid fodder over true reporting. Calling the BLABBERMOUTH.NET headline "definition of click bait," Rind wrote: "I know we may live in a superficial world of headlines and sound bites but it doesn't have to be that way. We have a new record coming out in August so naturally there are people interested in finding out what it's all about. Fred Passaro @revolvermag did a nice interview and asked some thoughtful questions. I answered in the most honest way possible. I think the piece was well done and nuanced. On the flip side is the click inducing headline from Blabbermoth that really has nothing to do with what we talked about in the interview but does have over 2,000 comments on their FB page. 2,000 reactions from people, who by their own comments have shown that they didn't bother to read the article they are commenting on. It's just an overreaction to a headline.

"Had the same experience with an overreaction to a song title 'Don't Do It Donnie' before anyone had even heard the song.

"The whole thing is pretty silly.

"I know I am preaching to the choir. I know it will make no difference. I just wish we could stop letting other people push our buttons."

SACRED REICH will release its new album, "Awakening", on August 23 via Metal Blade Records.

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#Repost @philrind Definition of click bait. I know we may live in a superficial world of headlines and sound bites but it doesn't have to be that way. We have a new record coming out in August so naturally there are people interested in finding out what it's all about. Fred Passaro @revolvermag did a nice interview and asked some thoughtful questions. I answered in the most honest way possible. I think the piece was well done and nuanced. On the flip side is the click inducing headline from Blabbermoth that really has nothing to do with what we talked about in the interview but does have over 2,000 comments on their FB page. 2,000 reactions from people, who by their own comments have shown that they didn't bother to read the article they are commenting on. It's just an overreaction to a headline. This is what I actually said: "I have some friends that are Trump supporters who are like, "You hate him." I don't hate anybody, I certainly don't hate him, but I think he's a kind of awful human being. He's an example of how your life becomes when you're a narcissist and all that matters is your ego, your pocketbook and [what] you can get out of everything. This is the example of what life looks like when you're only motivation is selfish things. That's the opposite of how we should all actually strive to be." Had the same experience with an overreaction to a song title "Don't Do It Donnie" before anyone had even heard the song. The whole thing is pretty silly. I know I am preaching to the choir. I know it will make no difference. I just wish we could stop letting other people push our buttons. ✌️♥️?

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