SAMMY HAGAR: 'I Never Said I Was Quitting VAN HALEN'

November 4, 2004

VAN HALEN frontman Sammy Hagar has rejected Internet rumors that he is about to leave the band and re-focus all his time and effort on his solo career. Writing to his official web site, Sammy said, "Listen here, all these crazy rumors flying around cyberspace are that. Plain and simple, I never said I was quitting VAN HALEN. There has been no discussion as to when or where we're going to pick this show up on the road and do it all over again cause quite honestly, 80 shows since June 11. Wow, I'm bushed ...HA!

"But baby, we are rockin'. The adrenalin in pumpin'. We're having a blast and you need to come check it out for yourself. If you ain't jacked when you get there, I guarantee you you'll be jacked when you leave.

"Come November 20th, I'm looking forward to taking some time off, chill with Kari and the kids and head down to Cabo.

"Of course — New Year's Eve with the Wabos down in Cabo. Our show dates will be December 31, January 2 and January 4.

"And then, yes, here we go again. Hard to believe, but the one year anniversary of the Cabo Wabo Cantina in Tahoe is May. Get ready for 555.Cinco.Cinco.Cinco. That's right — May 5, 2005, Cinco de Mayo in Tahoe. It's '55' with an extra '5' for good measure.

"Be sure to check out Oprah's show next Friday, November 12. Kari and I were guests in the audience, but of course, the talk got around to tequila. You may not recognize me. No sunglasses. No hat. But my beautiful wife, Kari, just check her out."

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