October 23, 2008

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS/ex-VELVET REVOLVER singer Scott Weiland has released the following statement via his official web site:

"Barack Obama is the leader, the listener and the visionary with international respect to take us from the depths of where we are today and bring us to a new place where dreams are made; that place is called America. A long time ago, these same dreams, same visions brought us out of a similar darkness and united us together. More to come…

"It's our imperfections and our willingness to persevere that makes us stronger."

Weiland will release his second solo effort, "Happy in Galoshes", on November 25 through his own Softdrive label, with a single called "Missing Cleveland" headed to radio two weeks earlier. The vocalist plans to hit the road behind the new disc in January.

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